Enrolling in childcare is a significant step for families, and understanding the requirements is essential. Whether you’re applying for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) or not, every child attending an approved childcare service must be enrolled under Family Assistance Law. If you do intend to claim CCS, confirming your child’s enrolment details is a necessary step before payments can begin. Enrolment essentially links your child, the CCS claimant, and the childcare provider.
Each childcare service has its own enrolment process, which typically includes an enrolment form requiring details such as:
- Contact information for parents or guardians
- A copy of your child’s birth certificate, passport, visa, or immigration document
- Information on any parenting orders or legal matters related to your child’s care
- Your child’s immunisation record
- Documentation regarding any additional needs or support
If you’re planning to apply for CCS, be prepared to provide your child’s Customer Reference Number (CRN). Here’s how you can find this information.
Timing Your CCS Claim
For the smoothest transition, it’s best to lodge your CCS claim before your child starts childcare. By doing so, you increase the likelihood that your subsidy is in place when they begin. Remember, your child’s enrolment must be confirmed before CCS payments can be made.
If your claim is still processing or hasn’t been submitted by the time your child starts care, you’ll need to pay childcare fees out-of-pocket until it’s approved. Eligible CCS claims can be backdated up to 28 days, and any backdated payments will be refunded directly to you. Once the childcare provider has finalised the enrolment, they will submit it to Services Australia. You’ll need to confirm these details through your online account, matching them against the Complying Written Arrangement (CWA) provided by the childcare service.
Understanding the Complying Written Arrangement (CWA)
The CWA is a formal agreement outlining your child’s care arrangements. This document includes:
- Your child’s name and date of birth
- Service provider’s details and type of care (e.g., long day care)
- Schedule: days, hours, and any routine or flexible care arrangements
- Fees: breakdown of charges, any additional charges, and fee reductions
- CCS information regarding eligibility and application to fees
The CWA must be agreed upon in writing, either electronically or in hard copy, as part of the enrolment process.
Finalising Enrolment and Preparing for the First Day
After your child’s enrolment is complete and CCS approval is in place, all that’s left is to prepare them for their first day! Many services offer orientation sessions where children can become familiar with their new environment and meet their early childhood educator and other key staff.
Take advantage of these “stay and play” sessions to address any last-minute questions and help your child feel comfortable. Keep the agreed CWA details in mind and ensure your child begins their schedule as planned.
Important Details for Claiming CCS
For accurate CCS payments, make sure the details in your claim match the CWA provided by your childcare service. If there are discrepancies, reach out to your childcare provider for clarification or updates. Maintaining consistency between the CCS application and CWA helps avoid incorrect payments or delays. Additionally, if there are any changes in income, work hours, or childcare needs, update Centrelink via MyGov to keep your CCS accurate.
Once your child’s enrolment is verified and CCS is approved, payments will go directly to your childcare provider, reducing your out-of-pocket costs.
If you’re still researching childcare, explore our resources on registering for childcare and applying for CCS. You can also try our Child Care Subsidy Calculator to estimate your potential CCS claim and out-of-pocket costs.